Thursday, May 04, 2006


Pacifier, soother, dummy, paci, binky… so many names, so much plastic. I was so adamantly opposed to using a pacifier with Sterling and Siena Cate. I remember trying one, once, with Sterling. Like all babies, his tongue reaction was to spit it out, which I took as sign that he would never take one. Never even tried with Siena.

Oh, how things change! Sage loves to have something in her mouth. I can only nurse for so long, and so my pinky finger becomes her constant soother. A few nights ago, after an hour of pinky time (I had fallen asleep and didn’t realize how much that long can begin to hurt so small a finger), I was desperate, and more than willing to try the pacifier. No luck. I tried several times, several ways, but she just won’t have any of it. So pinky it is. In some ways, I am happy – I find the pinky is more active than passive as I spend time with her, and I never have to pick my pinky up off the ground. But I am praying (as is Sterling) for the day she finds her own thumb!


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